And the winner goes to…

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I’ve often heard novice and not so novice travelers launch into debates about which country can claim the most “obnoxious travelers”. The ones who forget that they are in a foreign land and therefore expect everything to work just like it does at home. And when things don’t work that way, they LOUDLY let everyone around them know that they have been wronged.

True, the good old U.S.of A is usually one of the first countries to be tossed into the ring, often followed by Australia, the UK and occasionally France. Well, after having hit up 40+ countries, I have to say these are not the countries to blame. In fact it is not one country in particular as people from all nations around the world have the chance to claim that dubious title. The truth is any time there is a group of 5 or more travelers from the same place, THEY tend to be the most obnoxious – whether they are from Australia, Japan, Brasil or Zimbabwe.

Any time you get a large enough group together, it is easy to forget that you are the visitor; the guest. You are surrounded by people who speak the same language, share the same cultural references, eat the same foods and are likely travelling with the same agenda as you.

I got back from a trip to Brasil earlier this summer with around 30 other Americans (gasp!). Although many of us had been to Brasil before and felt very comfortable with their culture and in some cases their language, I’m sure there were still times where the locals and other travelers alike were looking warily at our group as we descended on whatever restaurant, bar or cultural landmark our tour bus pulled up to. And I couldn’t blame them.

And for those times when I was on the other side of the equation – the traveler who was quietly minding my cultural P’s and Q’s – it is just amazing that people can so quickly forget where they are. I remember being in Cairo and being shocked at the female tourists wandering around in short shorts and skimpy tank tops. I know it is hot there, but come on people! Even a minimal amount of research on their host country would have shown that women should avoid showing too much skin, particularly around religious sites.

Although I had a great time on that group trip to Brasil, I do definitely prefer to travel with 1 or 2 other people at most. It is easier to blend in that way. You can easily talk with your friends without having to raise the volume of your voice to an intolerable level. With 3 or even 4 people you will still be the minority in most situations, making you more aware of your surroundings and how your behavior is being perceived by others. Of course you can still be labeled an obnoxious traveler while alone or in a small group, but it does takes a whole lot more effort and persistence.

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