Damn, That Was Expensive!

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Somehow I could feel God up in heaven laughing at me as my quick overnight trip to San Diego quickly became more expensive than my first class trip to Europe last November. The plan was to drive from LA to SD on Saturday morning, check out Mindinho’s batizado (annual capoeira event for my non-capoeira friends) and… Read more


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I just got back from a quick Thanksgiving trip to Europe a couple of weeks ago. I took advantage of the long weekend (and 2 paid vacation days) to get in one last international jaunt before the end of the year. Also I’m bringing up my number of foreign countries visited this year to 3. Unless… Read more

The Food (or "Why I Won't fit in my Clothes Anymore")

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Quebrado’s parents have made sure that I’ve gotten an opportunity to try all the local Lebanese foods…in quantities fit for a high school football team. There is no such thing as an empty table in a Lebanese home or restaurant.The food here is ridiculously delicious though some is healthier than others. I think about America and… Read more

And the other 10%

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In my earlier post, I mentioned that in almost every instance, the Lebanese people are some of the most welcoming and hospitable people on the planet. The exception to the rule happens when these welcoming, hospitable people get behind the wheel of a car. The driving…OOOH the driving!! It is insane here. I used to think… Read more

The 90%

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One thing I had regularly heard about the Lebanese people is that they are incredibly hospitable, and I must say it is true … 90% of the time (I’ll get into the other 10% in another post). Everyone has been so kind and helpful to me. Quebrado and his family have bent over backwards to make… Read more

First few Days in Beirut

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I know I’m truly on vacation…I just had to check the date on my computer to see what day it is. An example of “ignorance is bliss”! Well, it is officially Monday and I’m spending a restful afternoon at Quebrado’s home. Getting a little time to check up on emails and just chill. His mom is… Read more

Old Habits Die Hard

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For as much travelling as I do, its pretty amazing that I’m still a terrible packer. Both that I pack too much and that I always wait until the last minute to get started. I have put together a great packing list in Excel that I print out at least a week before my trip. I… Read more

The Familiar

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I travel back to Houston, TX at least once a year to visit my mom. After living there for three years (something I affectionately call “doing time”) and then with annual visits, there is not that “wow” factor of visiting a new location. But then again, there’s something about the familiar that I’m being drawn to… Read more

Time Traveling in North Carolina

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Friends know that I love to read almost as much as I love to travel. Often it is my substitute for travel when I’m between trips. I love to read books that take place in far off countries and that introduce me to new cultures. Right now I’m reading a book that takes place in the… Read more

Farmville for Christmas

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There’s a reason I love international travel – aside from the opportunity to see new cultures and meet interesting people, I love it because even mundane activities have an air of the exciting about them. Going to get bread at the local bakery in Fortaleza…trying to navigate the subway in Tokyo…taking a full hour to mail… Read more

