2014: 14 Plans and Places for the Year Ahead

Posted in Planning
2014: 14 Plans and Places for the Year Ahead thumbnail

The first month of a brand new year and I have a whole calendar’s worth of days ahead to plan lots of travel adventures. Believe me, my mental calendar is already full of international travel. Now to set those plans in action Last year I put together a grand list of all the places I wanted… Read more

2013: The Year in Review

Posted in Planning

Almost a year ago to the day, I made predictions about where I would find myself traveling to for the year ahead. As we kick off 2014, I thought it would be a good idea to review how I did according to my predictions…and where in the world I went over the last year.So overall, I… Read more

365 days later…

Posted in Los Angeles| RTW| Work

As a general rule, I believe its best to look forward and focus on creating the future you want to live.  There are times, however, when you do need to reflect on where you’ve been. It’s never healthy to dwell in the past, but glancing back to either remember the good times or to learn from… Read more

Separation Anxiety – the Kit

I had a bit of a revelation this weekend. I was cleaning out the storage area in my apartment and noticed something a bit disturbing…I discovered I have an addiction to airline amenities kits. After going through a bunch of empty suitcases and carry on bags, I realize I had saved close to 10 kits from… Read more

It's Not a Cubicle, it's a….

Posted in Cubicle| finances| Home| RTW| Work

It was nearly a year ago I left this…Sad cubicle farmfor THIS…Cherry Blossoms in Kyotoand THIS…Beautiful resorts in Lebanonand THIS…Celebrating with the World at the 2012 Summer OlympicsAnd now, 10 months later, I find myself here…Back in the cubicle again…*Sigh!*  When I looked into the future on April 1, 2012 (my escape date) did I see… Read more

Cost of Travel: Accommodations

Posted in Budget| finances| Hotels| RTW

One question I continually get about my 5 month Round the World trip earlier this year is:“How much did it cost?”I have to confess, I am one of the worlds worst budgeters. When I really want something (like this trip) I just go for it. Of course I did take efforts to save a chunk of… Read more

Following the Music

Posted in Japan| Kyoto| Music| RTW

I had been following the mountain path for about an hour or so through the countryside of Kyoto, Japan.  I had already spent much of the day contentedly wandering around ancient temples turned pink with thousands of cherry blossoms and through soaring forests of bright green, swaying bamboo plants.  In my opinion the day was already… Read more

Favorite Souvenirs from 2012 Journey

Posted in Gifts| RTW| Souvenir| Travel

While I definitely wouldn’t call myself a shop-a-holic, I do appreciate finding interesting, creative, artistic and sometimes just plain weird things when I travel. Whether its something for myself or for friends and family, if I see the perfect gift, I often find myself digging for my wallet even if I’ve just made a solemn promise… Read more

Paris en Bleu

Posted in France| Paris| Photography| RTW

About a week or two ago, I wrote a post about a little photo challenge I gave myself while in Paris.  The challenge was to take photos based on a specific color scheme.  This post is part 2 where I focused on finding scenes of Paris related to the color blue.  Here’s a few favorites that… Read more

