5 Random Things I Love about Rio

Posted in Brazil| Rio de Janeiro

Uh oh – why do I keep doing this to myself? I really should just take all my good Brazilian music off of my iPod. Every time I hear a relaxing Bossa Nova or a familiar Pagode, I start day dreaming about Rio.  Not particularly helpful when you’ve got a week’s worth of office work to… Read more

Rolling with the Punches

Last week I wrote a post about my ill-timed visit to the tallest building on the London skyline.  How my excitement of visiting the Shard during its inaugural month was dampened when I arrived on the viewing deck to see nothing but mist and clouds. Even though I didn’t get the view the price of admission promised, my… Read more

Samba Sights and Sounds

Nothing, I repeat nothing, is quite like a night at a samba school rehearsal in the weeks leading up to Carnival. You can certainly have a great night at a corner bar or at the most exclusive night club in New York City, but the experience you’ll have at a samba school trumps both of those… Read more

Rio: Short but Sweet!

My very first trip to Rio back in 1999 was unusually short for a first visit. I wanted to surprise my mother on her 50th birthday with a trip to a city she’d only heard about in books and on records, but seemed to love as if she were a native Carioca.  Due to limited funds… Read more