Living Life

Posted in Adventure
While I would never claim that “Titanic” was the best display of acting Hollywood has churned out, there is a scene in this movie that I do find particularly motivating.  With all the melodrama and fantastic sweeping shots of the magnificent ship, my favorite scene is a minor bit at the very end of the film. In this scene, the movie has drifted forward to the current day and the elderly Rose lies sleeping (or perhaps dying) in her cabin aboard a ship.

It’s a simple shot as the camera pans the bedside table in the room and the movie audience is treated to a view of many framed photographs showing the adventurous life that Rose led. Pictures of her standing by a prop plane, riding atop a beautiful horse on the beach and traveling to far off lands. That scene only lasts about 25 seconds, but for me it represents a life truly lived. Having survived the sinking of the Titanic and the loss of the man she had fallen for, Rose did not spend her days doing what a proper young lady should do. Instead she sought all sorts of adventures and experiences. That line up of photos symbolized a person who had taken risks, has seen the world, and who also enjoyed life up until the very end.

And that’s what I want for myself.  I life lived to the fullest and for me that means foreign travels and adventure.

Right now these are the pictures that I look at on a daily basis. Behold! The view of my cubicle wall.

A cube with a view
I am blessed to have visited all of the places shown on my postcards along with many others, but I am not even close to being finished. There is still so much to see. And not just to go and snap a picture, but to have a memorable experience. To go sand dune-ing in Oman, or to hike to the top of Table Mountain and then see the same view the next day while sky diving over Cape Town.   To scuba dive with hammerhead sharks in the Red Sea and to watch the sunrise over Machu Picchu. While I do love a relaxed beach vacation, I also want to inject a bit of white knuckle excitement on each journey I take.  To jump when my feet want to stay on the ground, to say “Yes!” even when I am feeling hesitant inside. That is when I truly feel alive.
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